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- Fenton, Clarissa
Lone Female Page 4
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Page 4
It wasn't much of a job to get all the forms filled in; Derek just panics about that kind of thing as he's the sort of slow, pedantic type who wants all the t's crossed. By seven o' clock it was all done. I decided to definitely take the plunge this time and ask Mandy out for a drink, but it turned out I didn't have to.
'All done then are we Carl?' she said, leaning back in her chair and crossing her legs slowly, in her short skirt.
'Yep, that's the lot. Listen, I was wondering if you fancied going for a drink?'
There was a pause and I thought she was going to start making excuses but instead she smiled and reached into her bag. 'No need' she said, taking out a bottle of vodka. 'I was going to offer this around tonight as it's my last night and I can't afford to take everyone out to the pub. But now everyone else has buggered off it's just me and you.'
I smiled. 'Shame to waste it. Pity I'm driving though.'
She laughed. 'I'm not. You're going to have to give me a lift home so just a small one for you.'
We poured out the vodka into cups from the water cooler and I noticed she'd poured herself a big measure.
'That's a stiff one.' I said with a grin. She touched me on the arm.
'That's how I like them,' she said, slyly.
It was funny because I couldn't work her out. Sometimes she seemed like a totally innocent girl and sometimes like a real little slut. I guessed she'd been around a bit but she didn't give an impression of being tarty. I once read about something called a madonna-whore complex, some poncey name for blokes who think all women are either total slags or pure and holy like their mums. The thing was that Mandy had this weird mix of both about her, and it was starting to drive me wild.
She knocked back the rest of her vodka and started twirling her hair in her finger, then she leant forward and touched me on the knee. 'I'm going to miss working with you, Carl.'
I paused and held her gaze. 'Yeah, it's been good.'
Then I knew the moment was right and leant in, catching the smell of her perfume as I pushed her hair back and kissed her, my heart suddenly pounding at the feel of those soft, full lips on mine. Her mouth opened slightly and her little tongue flicked against mine, timidly at first then her mouth opened wider and she pushed herself against me. We kissed harder, and she made a little mewing sound in her throat then pulled back, looking at me and breathing hard. I wondered if she was going to cry off then she jumped up on the desk and pulled me towards her. She looked up at me with a kind of helpless look which just melted me.
'I want you, Carl.'
She didn't say anything like 'fuck me', or 'what are you waiting for?' Just 'I want you' and somehow it sounded heartbreakingly genuine, something I don't think I'd ever really heard from a woman before.
I smiled and pulled off my tie and shirt, letting her run her hands across my chest then down to my crotch, squeezing and caressing there with a touch that was like an electric current running through me. I pulled off her little top and, like I'd suspected, she was wearing some sort of sports bra thing that kept her tits under firm control. She smiled shyly and reached behind, shrugging the bra off her shoulders. I swear I'd never seen anything like it; her tits were like a wet dream and bigger than I'd ever have guessed from her slim figure. They were a perfect shape, full and round with large, dark nipples and I wondered for a minute if they were fakes; but as I squeezed and stroked them I realised they were totally real. A frown crossed her face and she looked down at her chest.
'Do you like them then?'
'They're amazing.' I leant down to kiss and lick her nipples, feeling them form into bullet like points under my tongue as she inhaled sharply.
'I don't. They're too big.'
That was what I meant about her little innocent girl streak. She hadn't even worked out that she had breasts that some men would kill to look at, let alone touch. I just laughed and said 'they're beautiful. You're beautiful.'
I helped her wriggle out of her flowery little skirt, loving the silky smooth feel of her thighs and the skin around the lacy edges of her knickers. I slipped a finger under and felt her moist, smooth pussy, hearing her breathing get heavier, then pulled them off, running my hands down from her narrow waist across her hourglass hips. I spread her legs slightly and bent my head down, teasing the pink lips with my tongue as she pushed her thighs towards me, taking my head in her hands and stroking it. My tongue found her little clit and I lapped at it, enjoying the prickly feeling of the narrow little landing strip of hair above it, working a finger in and upwards at the same time and she gasped with pleasure.
'You're so good....' she whispered.
After a while she pushed my head away and smiled. 'My turn now,' she said, grinning.
She knelt in front of me and undid my belt, letting my trousers fall to the floor and then pulling my shorts down firmly. My cock was huge by now and she giggled as it sprang back up and she inspected it, squeezing it in her delicate fist and working it back and forth, smearing the first bit of precum over the head until it was shiny and glistening.
'Mmmm, I told you I like it stiff...' she said, as she looked up at me and smiled. Then she teased and licked the head with her little pink tongue, all the time looking up at me with those big baby-blue eyes of hers. Then my cock was in her mouth, and she was moving her head back and forth to give it more force, her mouth a warm, wet, sucking heaven on the end of my cock.
I couldn't take much more of it. I pulled away and helped her up, then scooped her up into my arms. She was light as a feather and I was desperate to get her on my cock: apart from those giant tits there was hardly anything to her and I was longing to just bounce her up and down on me. I started to carry her over to the sofa in the reception area but she shook her head and jumped down from my arms.
'Not there,' she said, with a wicked grin. 'I've got a better idea.'
She took my hand and I grinned too as she led me through the glass doors into Derek's office. I liked her style. It was only polite, after all, since it was thanks to him we'd got together. She leant forward over his desk and spread her legs open, giving me a sight of that beautiful, tight, curved arse with a slick pink crescent below the cheeks. I positioned myself behind her and took my cock in my hand, rubbing it slowly up and down her pussy lips making it slippery and wet.
'Do it now...' she gasped, and then grunted as I pushed my whole cock in. She was incredibly tight. 'Ah, that's perfect,' she gasped, as she turned her head to look at me. I started moving, gently at first, and felt her muscles tighten around my shaft rhythmically. I got my hands under her hips and lifted her legs up effortlessly, working her whole body back and forth over my cock. Holding one hand on the desk to steady herself she started to rub her clit, working her fingers rapidly around it, and I could see her massive tits swinging wildly all over the place.
'Ah, that's it, right there, right there, oh, fuck...' she cried, as I worked up to a faster pace, my thighs starting to slap against her arse as I worked her body up and down onto me. Her muscles were pulsing round my cock now, gripping and relaxing and I couldn't hang on for much longer, then suddenly she came, her whole body going rigid and her back arching and shuddering towards me. She breathed heavily and put her head down on the desk for a moment as I pulled out, then lifted her up and turned her around. She collapsed into Derek's chair and smiled as I stood over her.
'I'm going to come on those beautiful tits,' I said, breathing hard.
She smiled and tossed her hair back, thrusting her chest forward to display them to perfection, then cupped them in her hands, squeezing them and tweaking the nipples.
'Go for it...' she whispered, her eyes big and blue and heavy lidded, smouldering with desire.
I squeezed my cock, still slick with her juices, between those two heavy, perfect globes and began thrusting, watching her look down with a sly smile at the head of my cock appearing and disappearing between the two mounds.
'Come on, come on, give it to me...' she urged, squeezing her massive melons harder
onto my shaft and rubbing the stiff nipples across the ridges of my hard ball sack. There was no holding back anymore and I grabbed my cock, pumping the shaft until a thick jet of cum shot across both her tits, then a shower of smaller spurts, until the two mountains were completely coated. I stepped back, gasping for breath, as she smiled and worked the cum into her nipples, then she gave a little giggle and lifted each breast up to lick the cum off it, smacking her lips and grinning at me the whole time.
As I was locking up and getting ready to drop Mandy off home, she had another stiff vodka, and started laughing.
'What's so funny?' I asked.
'Nothing...it's just, I can't help thinking what would old Derek say if he knew you'd spaffed all over my tits on his very own office chair?'
I laughed back. 'Dirty old sod. He'd probably just put the image straight into his wank bank.'
Mandy looked confused. 'His what?'
'Wank bank. You know, all the little fantasies men keep stocked up for when they're having a wank.'
She still looked puzzled but was giggling now. 'Do they really? I never knew that.' She looked at me shyly. 'So was I in your...wank bank...then?'
See, that was just what I meant. She had this funny innocent streak in her that I couldn't help finding appealing. The thing was though, I'd been so busy thinking about dressing like a copper and trying to pick up women that I hadn't even thought about her like that until now.
'You are now love.' I kissed her and drove her home.
I kept in touch with Mandy after that but nothing else happened. She was on Facebook and all that, but we just never seemed to get it together. I asked her out a couple of times but she seemed to go flakey on me, cancelling dates and saying her mum was ill or something, so I just gave up. Derek had his suspicions about what had gone on that night though, but fuck him, there was nothing he could do about it. He called me into his office the next day and was looking red faced with anger. You want to watch that, I thought. Blokes like him drop dead from heart attacks from being like that all the time. He looked at me suspiciously.
'Some of my papers have been moved on my desk. Do you know anything about it?'
I faked sounding apologetic. 'Oh yeah, sorry, that was me.'
Derek looked even redder. 'What are you going into my office for?'
I thought quickly and cursed myself for not tidying up after. I spotted something on his desk and realised how to get out of it.
'I was looking for the E125 sales receipts. They weren't in the drawer so I thought you might be using them. I had a quick look on your desk but I couldn't find them. You've probably put them somewhere safer, I know you're careful with those things.'
The flattery impressed him and he fell for it.
'Oh, right. Well, yes, they're always kept in the safe.'
I had to stifle a laugh as I realised I'd caught the lying sod out. The receipts were peeking out from a file on his desk and he saw it as well, and covered it with his hand.
'Anyway, that's all Carl. So all the backlog's clear then. You must have been hard at it.'
'Oh we were hard at it, Derek,' I said, smiling, and an image of Mandy's tits bouncing up and down flashed in front of my eyes. Derek looked a bit suspicious but waved me out. Bastard didn't even bother to say thank you.
I was getting the urge to go out on the road again. It had been a couple of weeks since I'd done it and the need for the adrenaline rush was getting stronger. The edge had been taken off it a bit by doing Mandy but I knew I was going to have to give in to the impulse again. Come Thursday night I staked out my other route, in a poncey wine bar type place on an office and retail park on the edge of town. There were quite few marks in there; all fit women but the problem was that none of them seemed to be drinking. I had to have the psychological advantage of them thinking they might be done for drunk driving, and if they weren't actually drinking, well then that wasn't going to work. In the end I settled for the best I could find.
She was a stuck up looking bird, a bit skinnier than I usually like and a bit older, knocking back the white wine like it was going out of fashion. I thought she'd have to be getting a lift or a taxi after all that, but finally she and the fat mumsy looking woman with her got up and went their separate ways in the car park. As usual I'd parked in a dark corner and put the false plates on, then followed her at a discrete distance as she pulled out onto the main road. This was a good one as it was only a B road and had lots of good stopping places on it. Sure enough after only half a mile or so there was only black in my rear view mirror and nothing coming up ahead, so I flashed the blue light and gave her a blast on the siren. Almost immediately she pulled over and I felt the familiar pounding in my chest as I got ready to go 'on stage.'
I did my usual routine, taking it calmly, looking at her plates and pretending to radio something in. I hooked my fingers into my stab vest and strolled to the car, but before I'd even motioned her to wind the window down she'd started to open it, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel.
'Why have you pulled me over?' she demanded angrily. She had one of those throaty, posh voices, either from too many fags or too much shouting in nightclubs, or both. She was much older than I'd thought from seeing her in the wine bar - definitely in her forties and not looking too good on it either. I was wondering if I ought to get my eyes tested. I disliked her immediately and started to think I would pull out of this one, but not before I'd taken her down a peg or two for her attitude.
'Been drinking have we?' I said, trying to take charge of the situation.
She scowled. 'Yes. I've been drinking wine all night actually. Alcohol free wine. Is that a crime now?'
Christ, I realised she was stone cold sober. There wasn't a whiff of booze coming from her. No wonder she'd been able to knock back all that and still get up.
Then she piped up again. 'I want to know your reason for pulling me over. There is absolutely no reason for this, I've done nothing wrong and quite frankly I don't think an unmarked police car should be used in this manner.'
'Now look...' I was starting to get riled. I decided I was going to cut my losses and get out there.
'Now, tell me the reason you've stopped me or I'm going to complain about this. Harassment of ordinary citizens going about their lawful business is just the sort of thing that is becoming too common in this country.'
Christ, would this stupid cow never shut up? She had that kind of hectoring voice that some women politicians have, moaning on about human rights and whatnot. Then with horror I realised that up in the distance, out of the blackness of the road ahead, I could see a flashing blue light. The woman was still chuntering on.
'I see this kind of thing in my law practice all the time. It's usually ethnic minorities you people pick on. Aren't there enough of them around here for you to persecute?'
I snapped and shouted at her, in my panic to get away before I was seen.
'Oh go fuck yourself, you wizened old cow!'
The last thing I saw was her staring at me open mouthed as I sped off past her towards the oncoming blue light. As chance would have it, it was only a bloody ambulance, but I was glad to get out of there anyway.
I cursed myself for losing it like that. She was the type who'd probably make a complaint. She said she ran a law practice, so she probably knew a few people at the local station. All she had to do was give them my car number or collar number and they'd realise there was someone doing IPO on their patch. Oh shit, I thought, my heart leaping up into my mouth and my system flooding with so much adrenaline I thought I might be sick. I managed to get home and calm down. All she had to go on was a physical description. My car plates are false and there are millions of other cars on the road like mine, I've got no form except a couple of driving convictions from years ago; there was no way they were going to find me. I just had to lie low for a bit.
The trouble was, I couldn't. I'm no psychologist but I like to think I know my own mind, and this was starting to be some sor
t of compulsion. To be honest, it was starting to worry me. It was like any addiction - you start off thinking you can take it or leave it, but before long you can't stand the idea of living without it. But then something happened that for me was worse than when I pulled over that lawyer woman, and it nearly - nearly - put me off the whole thing for good.
Firstly, I didn't plan it properly. I acted totally on impulse and that was for me the first sign that things were getting out of hand. I was actually on my way to one of my routes, not that late in the evening and only just dark. I hadn't even reached the pub when a car shot past me, cutting me up on a roundabout. I got a glimpse of a really fit looking woman out of the corner of my eye as she flashed past, and without even thinking I put my foot down and caught up with her, flashing my headlights and putting the blue light on. It was as if the personality of a copper was starting to take over. Before I knew what I was doing, she'd pulled over and I started fumbling for my stab vest, clip on tie and equipment belt from under the seat as we slowed to halt in a gravelly verge on the side of the road.